Peer reviewed journals
Chapters in books
Working papers
Peer reviewed journals
Auer C., Bosello F., Bressan G.M., Delpiazzo E., Monasterolo I., Parrado R., Reyer C. (accepted). Cascading socio-economic and financial impacts of geopolitical shocks: evidence from the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Communications Earth and Environment.
Bardazzi E, Standardi G., Bosello F., Key R. (2024). Toward the full implementation of the water-energy-food nexus in computable general equilibrium modelling: methods and macroeconomic implications, Economic Systems Research, 1–29
Nicita L., Bosello F., Standardi G., Mendelsohn R. (2024). An integrated assessment of the impact of agrobiodiversity on the economy of the Euro-Mediterranean region, Ecological Economics, 218, 108-125
Key R., Parrado R., Delpiazzo E., King R., Bosello F. (2024). Potential climate-induced impacts on trade: The case of agricultural commodities and maritime chokepoints. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 9, 11.
Moreno J., Campagnolo L., Boitier B., Nikas A., Koasidis K., Gambhir A., González-Eguino M., Perdana S., Van de Ven D.-J., Chiodi A., Delpiazzo E., Doukas H., Gargiulo M., Herbst A., Le Mouël P., Vielle M. (2024). The impacts of decarbonization pathways on Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union. Communications Earth and Environment, 5: 136.
Standardi, G. (2023). Exploring market-driven adaptation to climate change in a general equilibrium global trade model. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 28, 11
van der Wijst K.I., Bosello F., Dasgupta S., Parrado R., Standardi G., et al. (2023). New damage curves and multimodel analysis suggest lower optimal temperature. Nature Climate Change, 13, 434–441
Boitier B., Nikas A., Gambhir A., Koasidis K., Elia A., Al-Dabbas K., Alibas S., Campagnolo L., Chiodi A., Delpiazzo E., Doukas H., Fougeyrollas A., Garguilo M., Le Mouël P., Neuner F., Perdana S., van de Ven D.-J., Vielle M., Zagamé P., Mittal S. (2023). A multi-model analysis of the EU’s path to net zero. Joule, vol. 7(12).
Akin-Olcum, G., Ghosh, M., Gilmore, E., Johnston, P., Khabbazan, M., Lubowski, R., Mccallister, M., Macaluso, N., Peterson, S., Winkler, M., Duan, M., Li, M., Parrado, R., Rausch, S., (2022) A model intercomparison of the welfare effects of regional coalitions for ambitious climate mitigation targets, Climate Change Economics, Vol. 14, No. 02, 2350009 (2023)
Campagnolo, Lorenza & De Cian, Enrica (2022), Distributional consequences of climate change impacts on residential energy demand across Italian households, Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 110, June 2022, 106020
Rizzati, M., Standardi, G., Guastella, G., Parrado, R., Bosello, F., Pareglio, S., (2022) The local costs of global climate change: spatial GDP downscaling under different climate scenarios, Spat. Econ. Anal. 1–21.
Pérez-Blanco, C.D., Parrado, R., Essenfelder, A.H., Bodoque, J., Gil-García, L., Gutiérrez-Martín, C., Ladera, J., Standardi, G., (2022) Assessing farmers’ adaptation responses to water conservation policies through modular recursive hydro-micro-macro-economic modeling, J. Clean. Prod. 360, 132208.
Sognnaes, I., Gambhir, A., van de Ven, DJ. et al. (2021), A multi-model analysis of long-term emissions and warming implications of current mitigation efforts, Nat. Clim. Chang.
García-León, D., Casanueva, A., Standardi, G. et al. (2021), Current and projected regional economic impacts of heatwaves in Europe, Nat Commun 12, 5807.
Böhringer C., Peterson S., Rutherford T., Schneider J., Winkler M., (2021) Climate policies after Paris: Pledge, Trade and Recycle: Insights from the 36th Energy Modeling Forum Study (EMF36), Energy Economics, Volume 103, 2021, 105471, ISSN 0140-9883.
Nikas A., Elia A., Boitier B., Koasidis K., Doukas H., Cassetti G., Anger-Kraavi A., Bui H., Campagnolo L., De Miglio R., Delpiazzo E., Fougeyrollas A., Gambhir A., Gargiulo M., Giarola S., Grant N., Hawkes A., Herbst A., Köberle A.C., Kolpakov A., Le Mouël P., McWilliams B., Mittal S., Moreno J., Neuner F., Perdana S., Peters G.P, Plötz P., Rogelj J., Sognnæs I., Van de Ven D., Vielle M., Zachmann G., Zagamé P., Chiodi A., (2021), “Where is the EU headed given its current climate policy? A stakeholder-driven model inter-comparison“, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 793, 2021, 148549
Giarola S., Mittal S., Vielle M., Perdana S., Campagnolo L., Delpiazzo E., Bui H., Anger Kraavi A., Kolpakov A., Sognnaes I., Peters G., Hawkes A., Koberle A., Grant N., Gambhir A., Nikas A., Doukas H., Moreno J., van de Ven D.-J. (2021), “Challenges in the harmonisation of global integrated assessment models: A comprehensive methodology to reduce model response heterogeneity“, Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), Volume 783, 2021, 146861
García León D., Standardi G. and Staccione A. (2021), “An integrated approach for the estimation of agricultural drought costs“, Land Use Policy, vol. 100, 2021, 104923
Parrado, R., Bosello, F., Delpiazzo, E., Hinkel, J., Lincke, D., and S. Brown (2020), “Fiscal effects and the potential implications on economic growth of sea-level rise impacts and coastal zone protection”, Climatic Change, Volume 160, pp 283–302
Parrado, R., Pérez-Blanco, C.D., Gutiérrez-Martín, C., Gil-García, L. (2020),” To charge or to cap in agricultural water management. Insights from modular iterative modeling for the assessment of two-way micro-macroeconomic feedback links“, Science of the Total Environment, 742 (10), 140526
Campagnolo L. and Davide M. (2019), “Can Paris deal boost SDGs achievement? An assessment of climate mitigation co-benefits or side-effects on poverty and inequality“, World Development Journal, Volume 122, pp 96-109
Pérez-Blanco C.D. and Standardi G. (2019), “Farm waters run deep: a coupled positive multi-attribute utility programming and computable general equilibrium model to assess the economy-wide impacts of water buyback“, Agricultural Water Management, 213, pp 336-351.
Parrado R., Pérez-Blanco C.D., Gutiérrez-Martín C. and Standardi G. (2019). “Micro-macro feedback links of agricultural water management: insights from a coupled iterative Positive Multi-Attribute Utility Programming and Computable General Equilibrium model in a Mediterranean basin“, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 569, pp 291-309.
Panagos P., Standardi G., Borrelli P., Lugato E., Montanarella L. and Bosello F. (2018), “Cost of agricultural productivity loss due to soil erosion in the European Union: from direct cost evaluation approaches to the use of macroeconomic models“, Land Degradation & Development, vol. 29(3), pp.471-484.
Campagnolo L., Carraro C., Eboli F., Farnia L. and Parrado R., (2018), “The ex-ante Evaluation of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals“, Social Indicators Research,Volume 136, Issue 1, pp 73–116
Standardi G, Cai Y and Yeh S. (2017), “Sensitivity of Modeling Results to Technological and Regional Details: The Case of Italy’s Carbon Mitigation Policy“, Energy Economics, vol. 63, pp 116-128
Pérez-Blanco C.D., Standardi G., Mysiak J., Parrado R., Gutiérrez-Martín C. (2016), “Incremental water charging in agriculture. A case study of the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy”, Environmental Modelling and Software, Environmental Modelling & Software 78 (2016), 202-215,
Campagnolo L., Carraro C., Davide M., Eboli F., Lanzi E, Parrado R. (2016), “Can Climate Policy Enhance Sutainability?”, Climatic Change (2016) 137:639–653,
Carrera L., Standardi G., Bosello F., Mysiak J. (2015), “Assessing direct and indirect economic impacts of a flood event through the integration of spatial and computable general equilibrium modelling“, Environmental Modelling & Software, 63: 109-122.
Bosello F., Parrado R., Rosa R., Eboli F. (2015), “REDD in the Carbon Market: A general equilibrium analysis”, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 20 issue 2, pp 103-115,
Parrado R., De Cian E. (2014) ” Technology spillovers embodied in international trade: Intertemporal, regional and sectoral effects in a global CGE framework“, Energy Economics, 41(2014): 76-89.
Bosello F., Parrado R., Rosa R. (2013) “The Economic and Environmental Effects of an EU Ban on Illegal Logging Imports. Insights from a CGE Assessment“, Environment and Development Economics, 18(02): 184-206.
Bosello F., Nicholls R.J., Richards J., Roson R.,Tol R. (2012), “Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Europe: Sea-Level Rise“, Climatic Change, 112: 63-81.
Bosello F., Campagnolo L., Eboli F., Parrado R. (2012), “Energy from Waste: Generation Potential and Mitigation Opportunity“, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 14(4), 403-420.
Michetti, M., Rosa, R. (2012),”Afforestation and Timber Management Compliance Strategies in Climate Policy. A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis“, Ecological Economics, 77, 139–148
Palatnik R. R., Kan I., Rapaport-Rom M., Ghermandi A., Eboli F. and Shechter M. (2011), “Integration of General and Partial Equilibrium Agricultural Land-Use Transformation for the Analysis of Climate Change in the Mediterranean“, Climate Change Economics, 2(4), 275-299.
Bosello F., Eboli F., Parrado R., Nunes P., Ding H., Rosa R. (2011), “The economic assessment of changes in ecosystem services: and application of the CGE methodology“, Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 11(1), pp. 161-190.
Eboli F., Parrado R., Roson R. (2010), “Climate Change Feedback on Economic Growth: Explorations with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model“, Environment and Development Economics, Volume 15 (5), pp 515 -533
Berrittella M., Hoekstra A.Y., Rehdanz K., Roson R., Tol R.S.J. (2007), “The Economic Impact of Restricted Water Supply: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis“, Water Research, 42, 1799-1813.
Bosello F., Roson R., Tol R.S.J. (2007), “Economy-wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: Sea Level Rise”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 37,549-571.
Berritella M., Bigano A., Roson R., Tol R.S.J. (2006), “A General Equilibrium Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Tourism“, Tourism Management, 25, 913-924.
Bosello F., Roson R., Tol R.S.J. (2006), “Economy-Wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: Human Health”, Ecological Economics, 58, 579-591.
Chapters in books
Campagnolo L., Mansi G., Bosello, F (2024). Impacts and Costs of Climate Inaction for Asia and the Pacific. In: ADB (2024), Asia-Pacific climate Report 2024. Catalysing finance and policy solutions. Asian Development Bank
Bosello, F. and Parrado, R., (2021) Climate Change Impacts and Market-Driven Adaptation: The Costs of Inaction Including Market Rigidities, in Climate and Development, pp. 137–175.
Campagnolo L., De Cian E., (2019) Can the Paris agreement support achieving the sustainable development goals? In: Buchholz W, Markandya A, Rübbelke D, Vögele S (eds) Ancillary benefits of climate policy—new theoretical developments and empirical findings. Springer
Campagnolo L. and Ciferri D. (2018), “Is Italy on the Pathway for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals?“. In: Luigi Paganetto, Getting Globalization Right. Sustainability and Inclusive Growth in the Post Brexit Age, Springer International Publishing
Bosello F. and Standardi G. (2018), “A Sub-national CGE Model for the European Mediterranean Countries“. In F. Perali and P. L. Scandizzo (eds.), The New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium Models, Springer International.
Carraro C., Campagnolo L., Eboli F., Giove S., Lanzi E., Parrado R., Pinar M., Portale E. (2013), “The FEEM Sustainability Index: An integrated tool for sustainability assessment“, in M. G. Erechtchoukova et al. (eds.), Sustainability Appraisal: Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Techniques for Environmental Performance Evaluation, EcoProduction, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32081-1_2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Bosello, F., de Cian, E., Eboli, F., R. Parrado (2009), “Macro economic assessment of climate change impacts: a regional and sectoral perspective” in: Impacts of Climate Change and Biodiversity Effects, final report of the CLIBIO project, European Investment Bank, University Research Sponsorship Programme.
Roson R., Eboli F., Parrado R. (2008), “Gli impatti macroeconomici del cambiamento climatico in Italia. Un’analisi di equilibrio generale”, in Carraro C. (ed), Impatti dei cambiamenti climatici e strategie di adattamento in Italia. Una valutazione economica, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Working papers
Bosello F., Carraro C., Di Bella A., Key R., Parrado R., Standardi G., Tavoni M., (2023), Verso una crescita a zero emissioni: Gli impatti macroeconomici e occupazionali per l’Italia del pacchetto “Fit for 55”, CMCC Technical Notes September 2023, Issue TN0292
Campagnolo L. and Davide M. (2017), “Can Paris deal boost SDGs achievement? An assessment of climate mitigation co-benefits or side-effects on poverty and inequality“, FEEM Working Paper, No. 48.2017, and Belfer discussion series, 02, 2018
Standardi G, Cai Y and Yeh S. (2017), “Sensitivity of Modeling Results to Technological and Regional Details: The Case of Italy’s Carbon Mitigation Policy“, Working Papers 2017.019, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
Delpiazzo E., Parrado R., Standardi G. (2017), “Extending the Public Sector in the ICES Model with an Explicit Government Institution“, FEEM Nota di Lavoro 11.2017
Ponce R., Parrado R., Stehr A., Bosello F. (2016), “Climate Change, Water Scarcity in Agriculture and the Economy-Wide Impacts in a CGE Framework“, Note di Lavoro – FEEM, 2016.079
Bosello, F., Standardi G. (2015), “A Sub-national CGE model for the European Mediterranean Countries“, Research Paper CMCC, RP0274.
Eboli F., Standardi G. (2015), “Sea Level Rise in the Italian regions: a macro-economic assessment“, Research Papers CMCC, RP0251
Delpiazzo E. (2015), “Public finance and climate change adaptation: could adaptation policies foster public fiscal sustainability? The case of Italy”, CMCC Research Papers Issue RP0278.
Delpiazzo E., Parrado R., Bosello F. (2015), “Analyzing the coordinated impacts of climate policies for financing adaptation and development actions”, CMCC Research Papers Issue RP0276.
Delpiazzo E., Parrado R., Standardi G. (2015), “Phase-out of fossil fuel subsidies: implications for emissions, GDP and public budget”. CMCC Research Papers Issue RP0275
Campagnolo L., Eboli F. (2015), “Implications of the 2030 EU Resource Efficiency Target on Sustainable Development“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2015.036
Bosello F., Delpiazzo E., Eboli F. (2015), “Macro-economic Impact Assessment of Future Changes in European Marine Ecosystem Services“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2015.022
Lennox J., Parrado R. (2015), “Capital-embodied Technologies in CGE Models“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2015.002
Delpiazzo E., Standardi G. (2014), “Introducing an explicit Government institution in ICES model”, CMCC Research Papers Issue RP0243.
Bosello F., Parrado R. (2014), “Climate Change Impacts and Market Driven Adaptation: the Costs of Inaction Including Market Rigidities“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2014.064
Standardi G., Bosello F., Eboli F. (2014), “A Sub-national CGE Model for Italy“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2014.004
Orecchia C., Parrado R. (2013), “A Quantitative Assessment of the Implications of Including non-CO2 Emissions in the European ETS“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2013.100
Bosello F., Campagnolo L., Eboli F. (2013), “Climate Change and Adaptation: The Case of Nigerian Agriculture“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2013.035
Bosello F., Campagnolo L., Carraro C., Eboli F., Lanzi E., Parrado R., Portale E. (2013), “Macroeconomic Impacts of the EU 30% GHG Mitigation Target“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2013.28
Campagnolo L., Carraro C., Davide M., Eboli F., Lanzi E., Parrado R. (2013), “Can Climate Policy Enhance Sustainability?“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2013.010
Carraro C., Campagnolo L., Eboli F., Lanzi E., Parrado R., Portale E. (2012), “Quantifying Sustainability: A New Approach and World Ranking“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2012.94
De Cian E., Parrado R. (2012), “Technology Spillovers Embodied in International Trade: Intertemporal, regional and sectoral effects in a global CGE“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2012.027
Michetti M., Parrado R. (2012), “Improving land-use modelling within CGE to assess forest-based mitigation potential and costs“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2012.19
Bosello F., Eboli F., Parrado R., Rosa R. (2010), “REDD in the Carbon Market: A General Equilibrium Analysis“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2010.142
Bosello F., Parrado R., Rosa R. (2010), “The Economic and Environmental Effects of an EU Ban on Illegal Logging Imports. Insights from a CGE Assessment“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2010.67
Eboli F., Parrado R., Roson R. (2009), “Climate Change Feedback on Economic Growth: Explorations with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2009.43
Bosello F., De Cian E., Roson R. (2007), “Climate Change, Energy Demand and Market Power in a General Equilibrium Model of the World Economy“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2007.71
Bigano A., Bosello F., Roson R., Tol R.S.J. (2006),”Economy-Wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: a Joint Analysis for Sea Level Rise and Tourism“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2006.135
Ronneberger K., Berrittella M., Bosello F., Tol R.S.J. (2006),”Klum@Gtap: Introducing Biophysical Aspects of Land-Use Decisions Into a General Equilibrium Model A Coupling Experiment“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2006.102
Roson R., Calzadilla A. and Pauli F. (2006), “Climate Change and Extreme Events: An Assessment of Economic Implications“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2006.44
Bosello F., Zhang J., (2006), “Gli Effetti del Cambiamento Climatico in Agricoltura”, La Questione Agraria . 1, 97-124.
Bosello F., Zhang J. (2005), “Assessing Climate Change Impacts: Agriculture“, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2005.94
Roson R. (2003), “Modelling the Economic Impact of Climate Change“, EEE Programme Working Papers Series.
ASviS (2017), Rapporto ASviS 2017, L’Italia e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile. Sezione 3.4: “L’impatto delle politiche proposte sul “Sistema Italia” del 2030: una prima valutazione”
Virdis M., Gaeta M., De Cian E., Parrado R. et al. (2015), “Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in Italy“, SDSN – IDDRI.
D. A. Raitzer, F. Bosello, M. Tavoni, C. Orecchia, G. Marangoni, and J. N. G. Samson (2015), “Asia and the economics of climate stabilization”, Asian Development Bank, Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Cervigni, R., Valentini R. and Santini M., (2013), “Toward Climate-Resilient Development in Nigeria”, The World Bank.
McCallum, S., Dworak, T., Prutsch, A., Kent, N., Mysiak, J., Bosello, F., Klostermann, J., Dlugolecki, A., Williams, E., König, M., Leitner, M., Miller, K., Harley, M., Smithers, R., Berglund, M., Glas, N., Romanovska, L., van de Sandt, K., Bachschmidt, R., Völler, S. and Horrocks, L. (2013), “Support to the development of the EU Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change: Background report to the Impact Assessment, Part I – Problem definition, policy context and assessment of policy options”, Environment Agency Austria, Vienna.